Sunday, February 28, 2016

Weekly Quiz

This quiz wasn't that hard. I thought it was easy and I hope that there are more quizzes and tests like this. I studied hard the previous night so that helped a lot. I am going to make sure I study and prepare for future tests and quizzes like how I did for this quiz.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Electronic structure and wavelengths Review

So far this chapter isn't too hard. We learned about the different types of ways to map out an electron in the periodic table. Also we learned about wavelengths. we had to know the formulas for wavelengths and energy. The calculation parts are not to hard. After memorizing and doing some problems I knew it wouldn't be too hard.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Spectroscopic Analysis

In this lab we had to analyze a cobalt and a chromium compound in order to find their absorbance of light using the machine. It was a fairly easy lab to understand and do. However, the machine was very annoying since the knobs were very touchy and it was difficult to get the calibration we wanted. Other than that it was a straight forward lab.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Flame Test

In this lab, we were burning different chemicals with a Bunsen burner to see what colors were produced. The colors created were pretty cool to look at. Some colors would have to be seen through a cobalt glass since it would cancel out the colors we saw.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Acids and Bases Unit Test

We took our unit test for acids and bases. When Mrs. Frankenberg told us that this test is going to be the hardest test of the year, I was afraid. Therefore I studied a lot and found links online along with the practice sheets that were online. The titration practice helped me a lot. There were a couple of questions on this topic. If I didn't do that worksheet I probably wouldn't feel as comfortable as I do right now. The only mistakes I might have done are calculation problems since there are a lot of chances to miss those.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Preparation for Unit test

This unit we are going over Acids and Bases. It is supposed to be the hardest test of the year, but I feel i can do good on it. We need to know how to find PH and find concentration when given PH. The titration problems seem pretty new so I am going to study those and also will review some of the stoic problems because it is used in this chapter. Here are some links to help with these problems.

Acids and Bases Review
Acid Base
Acid Base 2
Acid Base 3

Weak Acid Problems

We learned about how to find a PH and also learned how to find the PH of a weak acid or base. It wasn't too difficult, it was just a lot of work.
This is how you do it:

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Acid lab day 2

We finished our titrations today. We got a pretty light color and a little darker of a pink. However, before that drop the solution was clear but afterwards it was a darker pink so we approximated the last number. That was the hardest part of the titration.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Acid Lab

Today we did a new lab. It was the acetic acid lab. This lab was probably my favorite lab of the year so far or one of my favorite lab of the year. We had to perform titration using KHP, NaOH, and vinegar. At first it was really hard to do since we had to get the solution to change to pink and it had to be ligjht pink. If we add too much base, it would turn dark pink and that was not what we wanted. We had to do this many times over many days and I did enjoy doing it most of the times. This day was just practice for the real lab that we do tomorrow.